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Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good 短语翻译-- 培优家教网 - 教师频道
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Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good 短语翻译
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009-9-3 阅读:3131次 【字体:



    答案:go on diets


    答案:side effect


    答案:be ashamed of


    答案:put on weight


    答案:come across


    答案:contrast with


    答案:twice a week


    答案:keep fit / healthy


    答案:as usual


    答案:lose weight


    答案:get…for free


    答案:in no time


    1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking weight-loss pills?

    Advantages: it can make us lose weight quickly and easily.

    Disadvantages: some of the pills have side effects, which will ruin our health. After taking this kind of pill for some time, our hair might fall out or we may have health problem, some of which may even affect our livers or hearts.

    2.What's the best sport that we can do every day?

    There are many answers to this question; every one may have their own answer, such as

    Some people like to have fun with their friends, so they think team games such as football, basketball, baseball or volleyball are the best.

    Some people like to build their strength up by themselves. They think swimming, hiking, shooting, aerobics, weightlifting, squash and so on are their best sports.

    There are still some others who might just want to have some fun and exercise with only one of their friends. They think boxing, badminton, tennis, fencing, etc. are the best.

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